Great Northern Hotel Carlton North


What's on weekly specials

Great Northern Hotel in Carlton North has 4 weekly specials including Parma Night Monday as well as a Steak Night Tuesday deal. Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️


Parma Night Monday $22 From 5pm Enjoy a $22 chicken parma, chicken schnitzel or eggplant parma every Monday from 5pm.Updated 3 weeks agoParmaVegetarian


Steak Night Tuesday $25 5pm to 9:30pm The Victorian porterhouse steaks are cooked to your liking, served with chips and salad and your choice of sauce from 5pm.Updated 3 weeks agoSteak Check website Book a table


Burger Night Thursday $20 From 5pm The classic GNH burger, and delicious house-made veggie burger, are both going for $20, while their chefs are getting creative with a weekly specialty burger.

There may be a bit of Bob's Burger's inspiration, and there are plenty of impressive food puns.
Updated 3 weeks agoBurger Check website Book a table


Sunday Roast $30 Something different every week to make your Sunday easy and delicious. Check their Facebook (check website below) to see what's cooking low 'n slow this week.Updated 3 weeks agoRoast
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About Great Northern Hotel

Nestled in North Carlton's leafy Rathdowne Street, the Great Northern Hotel boasts a prime location.

Founded in 1883, the Great Northern features one of Melbourne's largest (and best) beer gardens, providing the perfect spot to unwind while enjoying one the city's best beer lists and some outstanding food.


Last updated October 30, 2023
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