Tuesday parmi specials in Regional Qld

It's the quintessential Aussie pub feed, but what do you call it? we insist that you can call it anything you want. But one thing we can all agree upon; layers of melted cheese oozing over a healthy dose of red sauce atop a perfectly crumbed juicy slab of chicken is bliss.

Rounding out the GOAT counter meal, piping hot slats of fried potato and the salad we should probably eat more often. We've checked across Regional Qld for the latest pub specials, updating thousands across Australia in 2025. You can filter by location and day and find specials by type. We have specials every day of the week with more being added all the time. If you find a mistake, feel free to let us know. If you want your special added, tag us on Instagram or add one yourself.

You can also explore by map to look by location and on your phone press the nearby button to search relative to where you are.

Cyclone Alfred is still causing problems, please take care

Pubs and restaurants might be shut, taking stock or staying safe. Cannot guarantee any specials for a few days until the extent of the damage is understood and risk subsides.

Please take care of you and yours and we can have a happy hour when this is all over. ❤️

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Page 1 of 1 with 9 specials

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Shout out to Agathe for the photo