Morning Star Hotel Williamstown


What's on weekly specials

Morning Star Hotel in Williamstown has 2 weekly specials including Steak Night Williamstown as well as a Pots Pints Spritz Oysters deal. Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️

Tuesday TODAY

Steak Night Williamstown

300g Porterhouse steak with Chips and Salad with your choice of peppercorn sauce or bearnaise. Steak Night is back at the Star in Williamstown.

Updated 1 week agoSteak


Pots Pints Spritz Oysters $4 4pm to 6pm

$4 pots, $8 pints across all taps. Two for one spritzes (3 options) and oysters and prosecco; $30 for a glass & half a doz or bring a friend and share a dozen & a bottle for $60. Fridays 4pm to 6pm.

Updated 1 month agoHappy HourOysters
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Last updated February 20, 2025
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