Bank Hotel Newtown


What's on weekly specials

Bank Hotel in Newtown has 3 weekly specials including Beer Wine Cocktails Snacks as well as a Burger & Beer Newtown deal. Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️


Burger & Beer Newtown $25

Choose from the Bank Smash Burger, fried chicken burger, or a mushroom burger and any house beer to wash it down for $25.

More infoUpdated 3 weeks agoBurgerBeer Wine Cocktails Snacks $6.50 4pm to 6pm

$6.50 House Beers and $7.50 House Wines, $2 Oysters, $8 Snacks, $12 Tap Cocktails. Weeknights 4-6pm.

More infoUpdated 3 weeks agoHappy Hour Oysters


Steak Tuesday Newtown $25

Steak craving? Get a 250g grain fed strip loin with chips, all day Tuesday for $25.

More infoUpdated 3 weeks agoSteakBeer Wine Cocktails Snacks $6.50 4pm to 6pm

$6.50 House Beers and $7.50 House Wines, $2 Oysters, $8 Snacks, $12 Tap Cocktails. Weeknights 4-6pm.

More infoUpdated 3 weeks agoHappy Hour Oysters


Beer Wine Cocktails Snacks $6.50 4pm to 6pm

$6.50 House Beers and $7.50 House Wines, $2 Oysters, $8 Snacks, $12 Tap Cocktails. Weeknights 4-6pm.

More infoUpdated 3 weeks agoHappy Hour Oysters


Beer Wine Cocktails Snacks $6.50 4pm to 6pm

$6.50 House Beers and $7.50 House Wines, $2 Oysters, $8 Snacks, $12 Tap Cocktails. Weeknights 4-6pm.

More infoUpdated 3 weeks agoHappy Hour Oysters


Beer Wine Cocktails Snacks $6.50 4pm to 6pm

$6.50 House Beers and $7.50 House Wines, $2 Oysters, $8 Snacks, $12 Tap Cocktails. Weeknights 4-6pm.

More infoUpdated 3 weeks agoHappy Hour Oysters
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Last updated April 29, 2024
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