Camelia Grove Hotel Alexandria


What's on weekly specials

Camelia Grove Hotel in Alexandria has 3 weekly specials including Pizza + Trivia Alexandria as well as a Pasta & Vino Alexandria deal. Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️


Pizza + Trivia Alexandria $20 5pm to 9pm

Tuesday nights start with $20 pizza from 5pm followed by free trivia at 7pm, and prizes up for grabs.

Updated 1 month agoPizza


Pasta & Vino Alexandria $29

Every Thursday, enjoy Pasta & Vino for only $29. Pick from a selection of fresh, flavourful pastas and pair it with a glass of vino.

More infoUpdated 1 month agoPasta


Porchetta Sunday Alexandria $18

Enjoy a delicious Porchetta Roll in the front bar for just $18—perfect for a relaxed Sunday vibe. Or a full roast for $28.

More infoUpdated 1 month agoRoast
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Last updated January 25, 2025
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