The Hobson Stores Sandringham


What's on weekly specials

The Hobson Stores in Sandringham has 2 weekly specials including Steak & Pot Sandringham as well as a Parma & Pot Sandringham deal. Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️


Steak & Pot Sandringham $29 5:30pm to 9pm

Wednesday night special Porterhouse Steak with garden salad, chips and a pot $29 5:30pm to 9pm.

Updated 1 month agoSteak


Parma & Pot Sandringham $25 5:30pm to 9pm

Grab a Hobson's Parma Thursday night 5:30pm to 9pm served chips salad and a pot $25.

Updated 1 month agoParma
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About The Hobson Stores

Welcome to Sandy's cozy pub, you can dine in our restaurant or enjoy our bar with a great boutique beer range including our Hobson's draught beer on tap; we also have a great wine list well priced for your enjoyment.

Our aim is to provide great service, food and ambience, complimenting our 100 year old building for many years to come keeping the tradition of a true social pub.


Last updated January 3, 2025
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