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It's silly season with venues winding down for Christmas/NY. Can't guarantee specials, trivia etc so always check their website/socials. Thanks ❤️
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About Commercial Hotel

The Commercial Hotel in Yarraville has truly become the place in the west to go to. The newly renovated beer garden is the perfect place to be on Sundays with 'Somewhere on A Sunday' - live bands, singers and DJs. Plus Drag Bingo is back one Thursday a month with the Queen of Bingo for 14 years, Slash Darling and her barrel girl Minx Mwahzelle. Fridays is Cheap Thrills with DJs galore and a mega-party. Saturdays have never been better with Mersh-alicious with an incredible 10 drag/trans diverse performers over four huge shows. The kitchen is open Friday - Saturday 6pm - 9pm. Check out The MERSH - the place to be yourself and chill with friends. Commercial Hotel, 238 Whitehall St, Yarraville


Last updated November 28, 2023
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