Regional Vic
Grovedale Hotel Grovedale


What's on weekly specials

Grovedale Hotel in Grovedale has 3 weekly specials including Parmi + Trivia Tuesday as well as a Steak Night Grovedale deal. Add a special

It's silly season with venues winding down for Christmas/NY. Can't guarantee specials, trivia etc so always check their website/socials. Thanks ❤️


Parmi + Trivia Tuesday $22 5:30pm to 8:30pm

Parmi $22 then from 7pm free trivia! Nobody likes a know-it-all. Well, that’s not true - they welcome them, at The Members End - Sports Bar, every Tuesday night. Come on down and test your knowledge against our host from Questionable Company and a delectable chicken parmi, crunchy chips and a floral arrangement of salad (do with it what you will).

Updated 1 week agoParmaTrivia


Steak Night Grovedale $25 5:30pm to 8:30pm

Grass-fed porterhouse steak night for $25. Get yourself down to enjoy a sizzling steak every Wednesday.

Updated 1 week agoSteak

Thursday TODAY

Curry Thursday Grovedale $22

Every Thursday is Curry Night, enjoy a mouthwatering curry $22.

Updated 1 week agoCurry
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Last updated October 29, 2023
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