Globe Hotel Hobart


What's on weekly specials

Globe Hotel in Hobart has 1 weekly special; a Happy hour Hobart on 3 days a week Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️


Happy hour Hobart 4pm to 6pm

Drink specials 4pm to 6pm Wednesday to Friday happy hour in Hobart.

Updated 1 month agoHappy Hour


Happy hour Hobart 4pm to 6pm

Drink specials 4pm to 6pm Wednesday to Friday happy hour in Hobart.

Updated 1 month agoHappy Hour


Happy hour Hobart 4pm to 6pm

Drink specials 4pm to 6pm Wednesday to Friday happy hour in Hobart.

Updated 1 month agoHappy Hour
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About Globe Hotel

Established in 1839, The Globe Hotel in Hobart, one of Tasmania's oldest hotels, is conveniently situated on the corner of Davey and Antill Streets, featuring ample rear parking, a Bar, Lounge, and onsite Bottle shop.

While the original hotel was demolished some time ago, the current modern building stands in its place. Retaining 'period features' inside the main entrance and hallways, the structure seamlessly combines historical charm with contemporary conveniences and facilities expected by patrons today.

With a rich history, The Globe Hotel invites visitors to explore a gallery showcasing images and articles that offer insight into past events and happenings. Additionally, the Hotel Spaces page features stunning 360-degree shots, providing a visual showcase of some of the hotel's facilities.


Last updated September 3, 2024
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