Sackville Hotel Rozelle


What's on weekly specials

Sackville Hotel in Rozelle has 5 weekly specials including Steak & Drink Rozelle as well as a Parmy & Drink Rozelle deal. Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️


Steak & Drink Rozelle $25

200g Rump served with schooner of house beer or glass of house wine $25 Monday night.

More infoUpdated 3 weeks agoSteak


Parmy & Drink Rozelle $26

Parmy served with chips and your choice of a glass of house wine or schooner Tuesday night $26.

More infoUpdated 3 weeks agoParma


Burgers + Trivia Rozelle $20

$20 Burgers; Cheeseburger, Fried Chicken Burger or Falafel Burger (v) followed by trivia from 7pm Wednesday night.

More infoUpdated 3 weeks agoBurger Trivia


Two Dollar Wings Rozelle $2

Thursday night special with $2 Wings (Minimum order of 6 wings).

More infoUpdated 3 weeks agoWings


Late Night Cocktails $15 8pm to 10pm

$15 Signature Cocktails 8pm-10pm Fridays & Saturday nights with DJs from 10pm.

More infoUpdated 3 weeks agoCocktails


Late Night Cocktails $15 8pm to 10pm

$15 Signature Cocktails 8pm-10pm Fridays & Saturday nights with DJs from 10pm.

More infoUpdated 3 weeks agoCocktails
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About Sackville Hotel

The Sackville Hotel is a COVID safe venue.

The health and safety of our staff, guests and our community is our first priority. Below is an update in the measures we’ll be taking to protect our staff, guests and community.

From Saturday, 8 January, there will be no dancing or singing in venue, masks are compulsory in all indoor non-residential settings which means our staff will be wearing masks and guests will have to wear masks unless eating or drinking.

Patronage for indoor spaces is limited to 1 person per 2 square metres with no density limit for outdoor setting. QR code check-ins are compulsory. All settings will remain in place until Thursday, 27 January 2022.

We continue to adapt and closely follow all NSW Public Health guidelines.


Last updated January 14, 2022
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