Panania Hotel Panania


What's on weekly specials

Panania Hotel in Panania has 2 weekly specials including Steak Night Panania as well as a Schnitzel Wednesday Panania deal. Add a special

It's silly season with venues winding down for Christmas/NY. Can't guarantee specials, trivia etc so always check their website/socials. Thanks ❤️


Steak Night Panania $19

Steak night for $19 Monday and Tuesday nights in Panania.

More infoUpdated 1 month agoSteak


Steak Night Panania $19

Steak night for $19 Monday and Tuesday nights in Panania.

More infoUpdated 1 month agoSteak


Schnitzel Wednesday Panania $16

Wednesday night score a chicken schnitzel, chips & slaw for $16.

More infoUpdated 1 month agoSchnitzel
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About Panania Hotel

Our kitchen features a brand new grill and rotisserie. The rotisserie was shipped in especially from France!

All of our meat is cooked over coals with double split ironbark wood, giving our dishes a distinct smoky, charcoal flavour.


Last updated June 14, 2022
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