Nelson Hotel Bondi Junction


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About Nelson Hotel

Take a trip back in time to when pubs had character and atmosphere. With our wide selection of craft and domestic beers, ample wine list, great value meals in the bistro,and a play room for the little ones, there is something at the Nelson for everyone.

The Nelson Hotel was opened in September 1938 by Victor Toohey one of many Inter War hotels built in response to the introduction of early closing hours.

The iconic long, oval front bar of the Nelo was designed by Tooths and Tooheys, the two major breweries of the time, to ensure the rapid sale of beer during the day's notorious 6-clock swill.
Today The Nelson Hotel remains true to its past.
The famous oval bar is still in tact, the art deco interiors are untouched and the original mottle face tiling across the exterior of the hotel still stands tall on the west end of Bondi Junction.
Come and enjoy a cold beer, a cheeky glass of vino and some great food at a favourite local


Last updated May 19, 2023
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