Bar Cleveland Redfern


What's on weekly specials

Bar Cleveland in Redfern has 2 weekly specials including Chicken Schnitzel Lunch as well as a Burger Lunch deal. Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️


Chicken Schnitzel Lunch $17 12pm to 4pm

House crumbed Schnitzel lunches on Mondays & Tuesdays for $17 from 12pm to 4pm.

Updated 2 months agoLunchSchnitzel


Chicken Schnitzel Lunch $17 12pm to 4pm

House crumbed Schnitzel lunches on Mondays & Tuesdays for $17 from 12pm to 4pm.

Updated 2 months agoLunchSchnitzel


Burger Lunch $17 12pm to 4pm

Join us for our $17 burger special every Wednesday & Thursday between 12pm-4pm

Updated 2 months agoBurgerLunch


Burger Lunch $17 12pm to 4pm

Join us for our $17 burger special every Wednesday & Thursday between 12pm-4pm

Updated 2 months agoBurgerLunch
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Last updated September 13, 2023
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