Regional NSW
Hotel Gosford Gosford


What's on weekly specials

Hotel Gosford in Gosford has 3 weekly specials including Chefs Cut Monday as well as a Trivia Tuesday 7pm deal. Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️


Chefs Cut Monday

A steak lover’s dream! With a new off-menu, premium grade butchers cut every week - Cooked to perfection. Served with Earl’s homemade sauces and sides. Available while supplies last.

Updated 4 days agoSteak


Trivia Tuesday 7pm to 9pm

Kicking off at 7pm, you'll enjoy 4 rounds of trivia, plus a variety of fun games.

Weekly jackpot.

Updated 4 days agoTrivia


Sunday Roast + Live Music

Enjoy our resident Sunday soloists and a traditional Sunday Roast.

Updated 4 days agoLive MusicLunchRoast
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Last updated January 9, 2024
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