Taylors Lakes Hotel Taylors Lakes


What's on weekly specials

Taylors Lakes Hotel in Taylors Lakes has 5 weekly specials including Burger & Beer Monday as well as a Taps & Wines Happy Hour deal. Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️


Burger & Beer Monday $19 12pm to 9pm

Choose from wagyu beef, southern fried chicken or plant based burger served with a beer for $19 Monday all day.

Updated 3 weeks agoBurger
Taps & Wines Happy Hour 4pm to 6pm

$1 to upgrade pots to schooners on taps plus $6 wines weeknights 4-6pm.

Updated 2 months agoHappy Hour


Parma Tuesday $24 12pm to 9pm

Choose from plain or specialty parmas all day Tuesday for $24.

Updated 3 weeks agoParma
Taps & Wines Happy Hour 4pm to 6pm

$1 to upgrade pots to schooners on taps plus $6 wines weeknights 4-6pm.

Updated 2 months agoHappy Hour


Pizzas + Trivia $13

$13 pizzas Wednesday night followed by free trivia from 7pm.

Updated 2 months agoPizza
Taps & Wines Happy Hour 4pm to 6pm

$1 to upgrade pots to schooners on taps plus $6 wines weeknights 4-6pm.

Updated 2 months agoHappy Hour


Steak Night Taylors Lakes $31 12pm to 9pm

300g porterhouse served with chips, salad and sauce available all day Thursday for $31.

Updated 2 months agoSteak
Taps & Wines Happy Hour 4pm to 6pm

$1 to upgrade pots to schooners on taps plus $6 wines weeknights 4-6pm.

Updated 2 months agoHappy Hour

Friday TODAY

Taps & Wines Happy Hour 4pm to 6pm

$1 to upgrade pots to schooners on taps plus $6 wines weeknights 4-6pm.

Updated 2 months agoHappy Hour
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Last updated February 16, 2023
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