Jaga Jaga Bar Greensborough


What's on weekly specials

Jaga Jaga Bar in Greensborough has 2 weekly specials including Trivia Greensborough as well as a Bottomless Drinks + Pizza 2hrs deal. Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️

Wednesday TODAY

Trivia Greensborough 7pm to 9pm

Free trivia Wednesday from 7pm with Shit Pub Trivia, but make sure to book online.

1st $100 venue voucher
2nd $40 venue voucher
3rd Bottle of wine

More infoUpdated 1 month agoTrivia


Bottomless Drinks + Pizza 2hrs $89 2pm to 4pm

Two hours of bottomless drinks, including cocktails, beer, and wine, along with a shot on arrival to kick off the festivities! Enjoy a delicious selection of assorted pizzas, with a variety of flavors to choose from. Our slots are available anytime between 2-4pm with a 2 sitting time

More infoUpdated 1 month agoBottomless
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Last updated January 10, 2024
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