General Public Frankston Frankston


What's on weekly specials

General Public Frankston in Frankston has 3 weekly specials including Lunch Special Frankston as well as a Fuel Up & Play Bundle deal. Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️


Lunch Special Frankston $15.90 11am to 3pm

5 different choices to choose from. Calamari chips & salad, boneless chicken chips & salad, pepperoni pizza, caesar salad & cheeseburger with lettuce and chips. Monday - Friday 11am-3pm.

Updated 1 day agoLunch
Fuel Up & Play Bundle $30 11am to 9pm

Treat yourself to delicious food & drinks at any GP venue and spend over $30! Then, add just $1 to get a $10 fun card to use on bowling & arcade games & darts
T&C's apply: not valid public or school holidays

Updated 1 day ago


Lunch Special Frankston $15.90 11am to 3pm

5 different choices to choose from. Calamari chips & salad, boneless chicken chips & salad, pepperoni pizza, caesar salad & cheeseburger with lettuce and chips. Monday - Friday 11am-3pm.

Updated 1 day agoLunch
Fuel Up & Play Bundle $30 11am to 9pm

Treat yourself to delicious food & drinks at any GP venue and spend over $30! Then, add just $1 to get a $10 fun card to use on bowling & arcade games & darts
T&C's apply: not valid public or school holidays

Updated 1 day ago
Trivia Wednesday 6:30pm to 9pm

Trivia Wednesday Night - 6:30pm with specials; Furphy pints $8, Basic spirits $8, $20 parma, $1 chicken wings & $100 winning voucher to team

Updated 1 day agoTrivia


Lunch Special Frankston $15.90 11am to 3pm

5 different choices to choose from. Calamari chips & salad, boneless chicken chips & salad, pepperoni pizza, caesar salad & cheeseburger with lettuce and chips. Monday - Friday 11am-3pm.

Updated 1 day agoLunch
Fuel Up & Play Bundle $30 11am to 9pm

Treat yourself to delicious food & drinks at any GP venue and spend over $30! Then, add just $1 to get a $10 fun card to use on bowling & arcade games & darts
T&C's apply: not valid public or school holidays

Updated 1 day ago


Lunch Special Frankston $15.90 11am to 3pm

5 different choices to choose from. Calamari chips & salad, boneless chicken chips & salad, pepperoni pizza, caesar salad & cheeseburger with lettuce and chips. Monday - Friday 11am-3pm.

Updated 1 day agoLunch
Fuel Up & Play Bundle $30 11am to 9pm

Treat yourself to delicious food & drinks at any GP venue and spend over $30! Then, add just $1 to get a $10 fun card to use on bowling & arcade games & darts
T&C's apply: not valid public or school holidays

Updated 1 day ago

Friday TODAY

Lunch Special Frankston $15.90 11am to 3pm

5 different choices to choose from. Calamari chips & salad, boneless chicken chips & salad, pepperoni pizza, caesar salad & cheeseburger with lettuce and chips. Monday - Friday 11am-3pm.

Updated 1 day agoLunch
Fuel Up & Play Bundle $30 11am to 9pm

Treat yourself to delicious food & drinks at any GP venue and spend over $30! Then, add just $1 to get a $10 fun card to use on bowling & arcade games & darts
T&C's apply: not valid public or school holidays

Updated 1 day ago


Fuel Up & Play Bundle $30 11am to 9pm

Treat yourself to delicious food & drinks at any GP venue and spend over $30! Then, add just $1 to get a $10 fun card to use on bowling & arcade games & darts
T&C's apply: not valid public or school holidays

Updated 1 day ago


Fuel Up & Play Bundle $30 11am to 9pm

Treat yourself to delicious food & drinks at any GP venue and spend over $30! Then, add just $1 to get a $10 fun card to use on bowling & arcade games & darts
T&C's apply: not valid public or school holidays

Updated 1 day ago
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Last updated April 18, 2024
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