Fat Chef Coburg North Coburg North


What's on weekly specials

Fat Chef Coburg North in Coburg North has 2 weekly specials including Parma Monday Coburg as well as a Steak Wednesday Coburg deal. Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️


Parma Monday Coburg $15

350g parma $15. 700g parma $25. 1kg+ parma $35. Must buy any drink to qualify.

Updated 2 months agoParma


Steak Wednesday Coburg $39 12pm to 11pm

350g porterhouse $39. 350g scotch fillet $49. 500g rib eye $55. Must buy any drink to qualify.

Updated 2 months agoSteak
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Last updated August 4, 2024
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