Commercial Club Hotel Fitzroy


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It's silly season with venues winding down for Christmas/NY. Can't guarantee specials, trivia etc so always check their website/socials. Thanks ❤️
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About Commercial Club Hotel

This is a local pub on a corner in Fitzroy. That's how we've treated it since 2006 (although it's been here since the 1850's) & that's how our customers expect to find it. That doesn't mean that we don't insist that the food's fresh, the beer tastes like someone cares about it & the wine & spirits have been given some thought.

It's just that your local should feel like a pair of jeans you've had for ages, comfortable & reliable. Not rocket science really but something Melbourne could miss if it wasn't there.

We like playing records & watching footy, usually not at the same time but unsolicited opinions about either are likely to come from both sides of the counter. We call that conversation around here & much prefer it to the sound of gambling machines. So if that has appeal, then you've come to the right place.


Last updated March 5, 2021
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