Berwick Springs Hotel Berwick


What's on weekly specials

Berwick Springs Hotel in Berwick has 2 weekly specials including Steak Night Berwick as well as a Burgers & Wings deal. Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️


Steak Night Berwick $26

Get the most value from your steak every Wednesday! Dig in to a juicy porterhouse with chips, salad & a sauce of your choice for only $26.

Updated 2 months agoSteak


Burgers & Wings $19.90

Choose from beef, chicken or vegetarian burgers for $19.90 or enjoy half price wings every Thursday night!

Updated 2 months agoBurgerWings
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Last updated February 18, 2025
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