Balaclava Hotel St Kilda


What's on weekly specials

Balaclava Hotel in St Kilda has 4 weekly specials including Tacos & Trivia St Kilda as well as a Steak Night St Kilda deal. Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️


Tacos & Trivia St Kilda $4 5pm to 9pm

From 5pm Monday, $4 tacos (min 2) then from 7pm register for trivia which starts 7:30pm.

Updated 2 months agoTacosTrivia


Steak Night St Kilda $25 5pm to 9pm

250g rump steak for $25 or 300g porterhouse for $30 Tuesday night.

Updated 2 months agoSteak


Pot & Parma St Kilda $20 5:30pm to 9pm

From 5pm Wednesday, parma and a pot for just $20.

Updated 2 months agoParma


Burger & Pot St Kilda $20 12pm to 9pm

Thursday night grab a burger, chips and a pot for $20.

Updated 2 months agoBurger
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About Balaclava Hotel

Centrally located in Balaclava, the Balaclava Hotel Public Bar is a favourite spot for locals and visitors alike. Close to the Balaclava train station and walking distance to St Kilda and Windsor, the Public Bar offers a relaxed environment for having a cheeky drink or grabbing a pub meal.

There is always something happening in the Public Bar. Check out our regular events, live entertainment and competitions. Make sure that you also keep an eye on our range of regular promotions and specials and come down to the bar today.


Last updated January 6, 2024
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