Waterloo Hotel Newstead


What's on weekly specials

Waterloo Hotel in Newstead has 2 weekly specials including Parmi Schnitty All Monday as well as a Trivia Night Newstead deal. Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️


Parmi Schnitty All Monday $18

Grab an $18 Chicken Schnitzel or your choice of Chicken Parmigiana with salad and chips for just $22.
Take your pick between a classic, pizza or Aussie.

More infoUpdated 1 month agoLunch Parma Schnitzel


Trivia Night Newstead 7pm to 9pm

Get down to the Waterloo each Wednesday for a classic pub trivia sesh! The fun kicks off with registration from 6pm, kick off at 7pm.

More infoUpdated 1 month agoTrivia
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About Waterloo Hotel

The Waterloo Hotel is undoubtedly a Brisbane landmark, with spectacular Art Deco architecture and the proud facade dominating the busy intersection of Ann & Commercial in Fortitude Valley.

With the finest selection of wine, premium beer and fresh food, The Waterloo is the perfect establishment to make an impression and leave you with lasting memories.


Last updated February 15, 2025
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