Lockleys Hotel Fulham


What's on weekly specials

Lockleys Hotel in Fulham has 6 weekly specials including Steak Monday as well as a Cheap Pint Happy Hour deal. Add a special

We do our best to keep specials up to date but things happen. Always check with the venue. Thanks ❤️


Steak Monday $22

Every Monday & Thursday you can get a 250g Sirloin with gravy and chips for $22

Updated 1 month agoSteak
Cheap Pint Happy Hour $6 4pm to 7pm

$6 pints weeknights 4-7pm.

Updated 1 month agoHappy HourPints


Schnitzel All Day $17 12pm to 9pm

Get a beef or chicken schnitzel served with chips and choice of gravy for $17.
Tuesday & Wednesday, lunch or dinner.

More infoUpdated 1 month agoSchnitzel
Cheap Pint Happy Hour $6 4pm to 7pm

$6 pints weeknights 4-7pm.

Updated 1 month agoHappy HourPints


Schnitzel All Day $17 12pm to 9pm

Get a beef or chicken schnitzel served with chips and choice of gravy for $17.
Tuesday & Wednesday, lunch or dinner.

More infoUpdated 1 month agoSchnitzel
Cheap Pint Happy Hour $6 4pm to 7pm

$6 pints weeknights 4-7pm.

Updated 1 month agoHappy HourPints


Steak Thursday $22

Every Thursday & Monday you can get a 250g Sirloin with gravy and chips for $22.

Updated 1 month agoSteak
Cheap Pint Happy Hour $6 4pm to 7pm

$6 pints weeknights 4-7pm.

Updated 1 month agoHappy HourPints


Cheap Pint Happy Hour $6 4pm to 7pm

$6 pints weeknights 4-7pm.

Updated 1 month agoHappy HourPints
Cocktail Happy Hour $12 5pm to 8pm

Cocktails are only $12 from 5-8pm Friday night.

Updated 1 month agoCocktails

Saturday TODAY

Cheap Cocktail Weekend $13 2pm to 5pm

Cocktails are only $12 from 2pm to 5pm Saturday & Sunday.

Updated 1 month agoCocktails


Cheap Cocktail Weekend $13 2pm to 5pm

Cocktails are only $12 from 2pm to 5pm Saturday & Sunday.

Updated 1 month agoCocktails
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About Lockleys Hotel

Our Café is a public area that seats about 30 people. It is part of our main dining room and is perfect for family birthdays.

The perfect spot in winter with an open fireplace, three big screen TV’S. Perfect area for business meetings or just watching the footy. The fireplace can be public or private serviced by the sports bar.

The Lounge bar overlooks the beer garden and has lots of natural light and a large screen that is great for presentations, birthdays and celebrations of life.
Sports Bar

Immerse yourself in the world of sport at our sports bar. With ten or more screens, you can catch all the latest sporting action LIVE at The Lockleys.

From your favourite AFL matches to the NBA, NHL, NBL, Rugby Union, Racing and more – we have your sporting needs covered. Whatever sport you are interested in, chances are we’re showing it live.


Last updated August 26, 2022
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