Balaclava Melbourne food & drink specials

These are Balaclava's best weekly pub specials, happy hours, bottomless drinks & cheap eats.

We've checked across Melbourne for the latest pub specials, updating thousands across Australia in 2024. You can filter by location and day and find specials by type. We have specials every day of the week with more being added all the time. If you find a mistake, feel free to let us know. If you want your special added, tag us on Instagram or add one yourself.

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Pots Wines & Basics 4pm to 6pm

Inkerman Hotel$4.50 pots, $7 basics & $7 house wines.


Pots, Wines & Basics 12pm to 2pm

Inkerman Hotel$4.50 pots, $7 basics & $7 house wines for happy hour 12pm to 2pm* *Excluding Public Holidays & Days of special occasion/Pay Per View events


Pots, Wines & Basics 12pm to 2pm

Inkerman Hotel$4.50 pots, $7 basics & $7 house wines for happy hour 12pm to 2pm* *Excluding Public Holidays & Days of special occasion/Pay Per View events


Burger + Beers All Day From 12pm
Pots Wines & Basics 4pm to 6pm

Inkerman Hotel$16.50 burgers & chips, all varieties lunch & dinner Monday Plus $18 jugs all day, $1 pool tables.$4.50 pots, $7 basics & $7 house wines.

Two for One Margs Monday

Si Senor BalaclavaAll Monday in Balaclava, margaritas are two for one. Happy hour 4pm to 5pm: $15 Margaritas, $7 Dos Equis and $7 House Wines and $15 burritos.


Pots Wines & Basics 4pm to 6pm
Curry Tuesday From 5pm

Inkerman Hotel$4.50 pots, $7 basics & $7 house wines.From 5pm: curry special with meat or vegan options + $18 jugs. 7:30pm: CA$H Prize Pool Comp. $160 Prize Pool, $5 buy in.

Taco Tuesday

Si Senor Balaclava4 Tacos for $21. Add a Corona for $7. Happy hour 4pm to 5pm: $15 Margaritas, $7 Dos Equis and $7 House Wines and $15 burritos.


Parma + Trivia Wednesday From 12pm
Pots Wines & Basics 4pm to 6pm

Inkerman Hotel$18.50 parma or schnitty all day Wednesday. Free trivia from 7:30pm with drink cards & prizes to be won.$4.50 pots, $7 basics & $7 house wines.

Parma + Happy Hour From 4pm

Ms. CarlislesWednesday means Irish parma for $20. 4pm to 8pm happy hour $10 beer & cider, $9 spirits and $8 wines.

Moon Dog Jugs All Day 4pm to 11pm

Pause BarWednesday all day get jugs of Moon Dog for just $18. Open from 4pm.

Dollar Wing Wednesday 12pm to 5pm

Si Senor Balaclava$1 Wings ALL Day, Every Wednesday. Happy hour until 5pm: $15 Margaritas, $7 Dos Equis and $7 House Wines and $15 burritos.


Pots Wines & Basics 4pm to 6pm

Inkerman Hotel$4.50 pots, $7 basics & $7 house wines.

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