Yarrawonga Regional Vic food & drink specials

These are Yarrawonga's best weekly pub specials, happy hours, bottomless drinks & cheap eats.

We've checked across Regional Vic for the latest pub specials, updating thousands across Australia in 2024. You can filter by location and day and find specials by type. We have specials every day of the week with more being added all the time. If you find a mistake, feel free to let us know. If you want your special added, tag us on Instagram or add one yourself.

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Pots Wines Schooners Every Day 4pm to 6pm

The Terminus$3.50 Pots, $5 House Wine & $5.50 Schooners from 4pm to 6pm happy hour every day.


Burger & Pot Yarrawonga
Pots Wines Schooners Every Day 4pm to 6pm

The TerminusGrab your choice of burger plus any pot for just $20! Choices include Cheeseburger, Sticky fried chicken burger, Plant based burger, BBQ pulled pork or Bridge Road pale ale battered fish burger.$3.50 Pots, $5 House Wine & $5.50 Schooners from 4pm to 6pm happy hour every day.


Parma & Pot, Happy Hour 12pm to 9pm
Pots Wines Schooners Every Day 4pm to 6pm

The TerminusWednesday Lunch or dinner Parma & Pot $20. Grab a parma & any pot on tap for just $20 on Wednesdays. If you're not feeling a pot with your Parma, enjoy a glass of house wine instead. Available 12-3 pm & 5-9pm every Wednesday$3.50 Pots, $5 House Wine & $5.50 Schooners from 4pm to 6pm happy hour every day.


Pots Wines Schooners Every Day 4pm to 6pm
Trivia Yarrawonga From 7pm

The Terminus$3.50 Pots, $5 House Wine & $5.50 Schooners from 4pm to 6pm happy hour every day.Great prizes, cold drinks and delicious pub grub. Plus a great show from our friends at Questionable Entertainment. All kicks off from 7pm.


Pots Wines Schooners Every Day 4pm to 6pm

The Terminus$3.50 Pots, $5 House Wine & $5.50 Schooners from 4pm to 6pm happy hour every day.


Pots Wines Schooners Every Day 4pm to 6pm

The Terminus$3.50 Pots, $5 House Wine & $5.50 Schooners from 4pm to 6pm happy hour every day.


Pots Wines Schooners Every Day 4pm to 6pm

The Terminus$3.50 Pots, $5 House Wine & $5.50 Schooners from 4pm to 6pm happy hour every day.

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