Tuesday schnitzel specials near me in Maroochydore

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Photo of The Bavarian Sunshine Plaza in Maroochydore

2-for-1 Schnitty Tuesday.

The Bavarian Sunshine Plaza Sunshine Plaza, 154-164 Horton Parade, Maroochydore

Each and every Tuesday, slinging you 2 schnitzels for the price of 1. Grab a mate or a colleague, and that's lunch or dinner sorted for the both of you. Picture golden crumbed chicken schnitzel, BBQ riblets, corn on the cob, pickled onions, coriander sour cream and fries. Talk about a schnitty fest! T&C's apply Diner is to pay for the higher-priced schnitzel; Dine-in only 15% service charge on public holidays.

Updated 3 months ago - check with venue

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