Burnside Adelaide food & drink specials

These are Burnside's best weekly pub specials, happy hours, bottomless drinks & cheap eats.

We've checked across Adelaide for the latest pub specials, updating thousands across Australia in 2024. You can filter by location and day and find specials by type. We have specials every day of the week with more being added all the time. If you find a mistake, feel free to let us know. If you want your special added, tag us on Instagram or add one yourself.

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Trivia Monday From 6:30pm

Feathers HotelThanks to QuizzaMe Australia, register at 6.30 for a 7pm start. Pops in welcome. Groups of 10 plus can book a table online. Assemble your quiz team, quiz night is back on tonight and every Monday night in the Terrace Bar - it’s free, there are prizes to be won & it's awesome fun!


Kilo Wing Wednesday

Feathers HotelChoose from Smokey Chipotle, Hot Buffalo or Honey Soy @ $15 for 1kg.


Parmi & Pint Thursday From 5pm

Feathers HotelSchnitzel parmigiana with a pint for $26 from 5pm Thursday night.


Late Night Spirits 8pm to 10pm

Feathers HotelBase spirits are $7.50 Friday and Saturday nights 8pm to 10pm.


Late Night Spirits 8pm to 10pm

Feathers HotelBase spirits are $7.50 Friday and Saturday nights 8pm to 10pm.

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